Yokozuna Finance
4 min readNov 29, 2021

Monday, November 29, 2021


Yokozuna Finance, a new DEFI based application being built on the IOST network is about enter the dohyo with a new SUMO themed gamified NFT project aiming to educate and entertain amateur and professional SUMO fans around the World.

While all the details haven’t fully been announced, we can share the following information in advance of the projects highly anticipated December launch:

· Project: Yokozuna Finance

· Symbol: $ZUNA for IOST

· Total Supply: 100 Million $ZUNA tokens (100,000,000)

· ZUNA is a deflationary token with 20% of the remaining supply will be released through emissions annually

· Eighty percent (80,000,000) ZUNA will be earned through staking in Single Token and LP Vaults

· Users will use ZUNA to purchase NFT’s allowing users to reach new levels and increase ZUNA earning capability

· Yokozuna Finance will ultimately feature a DAO fund, owned and governed by qualified participants of Yokozuna Finance

Comprehensive marketing plans will include AMA’s, Social Media Marketing, Promotions, Giveaways and more.

Yokozuna Finance has assembled a notable advisory board and has the backing of longstanding IOST projects and participants in the IOST ecosystem.

Yokozuna Finance founders and Advisory Board members have locked a large % of their tokens with a vesting schedule that ensures their commitment to the project.

The Yokozuna Finance team is thinking about the long term prospects of the project, which could include seeing its’ Sumo themed NFT’s competing in the METAVERSE as the project evolves.

Yokozuna Finance Sumo NFT Characters May be used in the Metaverse

What’s Next:

The team is finalising its’ third party security audit and will launch its’ website and DApp in the next week to include tokenomics, emission and vesting schedules.

Warm-up — Earn ZUNA by staking IOST (early December, 2021)

· IOST holders can stake IOST in single token IOST vaults that will earn IOST Rewards, as if they were voting for IOST

· When Yokozuna Finance launches their Token Generating Event (TGE), you will be pre-positioned to earn IOST and ZUNA

Phase IEarning ZUNA and Double Earning (anticipated early/mid-December)

· Following the Token Generating Event (TGE), IOST holders in IOST term lock vaults will earn IOST Rewards AND ZUNA Tokens (DOUBLE MINING)for IOST held in qualified IOST term lock pools

· Additionally, users will be able to pair ZUNA in Liquidity Pools (LP) introduced by Yokozuna Finance and earn ZUNA tokens

· Additional Liquidity Pools will be announced as they are brought online

Phase II Double Earning, ZUNA and NFT’s (Anticipated Q2 2022)

· Yokozuna Finance will introduce a gamified NFT system allowing users to guide a young rikishi (wrestler) who hopes to become a Yokozuna or Grand Champion

Users will earn, trade and win NFT’s to earn additional APR and other benefits. Transactions will help build a DAO fund owned and governed by qualified Yokozuna Finance participants.

For up to date information, follow on the Yokozuna Finance official Social Media channels:

Telegram: https://t.me/yokozunafinance

Twitter: https://twitter.com/yokozunafinance

About IOST

High fees and slower transaction times on the Ethereum network have left the door open for new solutions to emerge, and IOST is one such project that has been gaining traction since its mainnet launch in 2019.

Backed by major financial and VC firms such as Sequoia, Matrix, and ZhenFund, IOST is a pioneering decentralized, high-throughput, gas-efficient Proof-of-Believability-powered smart contract platform built to tackle the scalability trilemma once and for all. For this, the concluding ranking from China’s CCID ranked IOST as the best blockchain platform under Basic Technology, better than Ethereum, EOS, and every other smart-contracting platform evaluated by the agency. This is a testament to the quality and ability to roll out a better, innovative product and reflect our true desire to be the best in the sphere.

Being one of the public chain leaders in terms of adoption, performance, and utility, IOST remains committed to our mission to unleash the power of blockchain. IOST currently has the ever-expanding 500,000 community members in over 20 countries, over 400 nodes, a top staking economy, symbiotic relationships with corporations dotted worldwide.

Disclaimer: All IOST DApps including Yokozuna Finance are developed by third-party developers. The information provided here does not constitute any investment advice, all content provided here is intended for educational purposes only. IOST bears no responsibility or liability for any loss which players may experience. Please contact the YokozunaFinance DApp team directly for any questions.



Yokozuna Finance

A Decentralized Finance (DEFI) Application designed to educate & entertain fans with NFT's, while promoting the sport of Sumo throughout the World. #SUMO #DEFI